Day 5 - January 22. Types of Claims

Publié le par emmeline


 Today, we worked on the Types of Claims (Fact, Cause, Value, Definition, Policy). Using three pieces, "Richard Cory" "I am alone" and "A Worn Path" we talked about the claims of definition - Who is who? How are we perceived by others? How can we redefine ourselves and claim who we really are? How can we claim or reclaim our individuality and our own identity? I also used an example from a wrestler, saying " Perception is Reality" and on a more serious note, Sartre's famous quote "L'Enfer, C'est les Autres - Hell is Others".

Then, we moved to our discussion on Eudora Welty's A Worn Path. Once again, we alluded to the claim of definition (What defines someone? skin color, ancestry, roots?) And also talked about the claim of value that Armand seems to make in this story, when judging Desiree according to her skin color and therefore, asserting that White is better than Black.

The dynamics at stake in these two texts, we concluded, was definer and defined, asking the question: "Who has the authority to claim that skin color, or such behavior, or such medical treatment, has value over another?"
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