Day 9 - February 5. Fallacies

Publié le par emmeline


We have now spent a whole month on analyzing arguments, claims, identifying types of proofs and types of claims, warrants, etc. We have also discussed our first theme of the year: Individual vs. Community. Students turned in their first focus essays on the piece of literature they most enjoyed over this period.

Now, I have decided that it was high time we started analyzing in depth and criticizing some claims and arguments made by individual authors. The first text that I used for this exercise was "The Evil of Animal Rights". Great text to discuss fallacies.

I have also asked students to analyze some video clips, movie extracts, etc. which contain fallacies. Students were asked to show the clip to the class and to explain the fallacy that was at stake in the argument being made here. I believe students get a better idea when remembering clips, movies, or even songs.
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